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6 ways to take care of yourself, not to ruin your health. after eating high fat foods

believe that high-fat foods It’s a favorite of girls. Many people have said that. Although this type of food is not very healthy. But it can also be eaten without damaging your health. So today we’ve included 6 ways to take care of yourself after eating high-fat foods. In order not to eat this type of food, resulting in bad health, share it with the girls. I have taken it to follow UFABET.

6 ways to take care of yourself, not to ruin your health. after eating high fat foods

1. Eat a lot of vegetables and fruits.
after the girls eat foods that are high in fat It is advisable to eat a lot of vegetables and fruits. so that the body can get enough other nutrients such as minerals, fiber and vitamins This is because high-fat foods tend to lack fiber. And rarely have micronutrients that are essential to the body Most of them contain only saturated and trans fats. This is fat that is prone to constipation. Therefore, eating fruits and vegetables including seeds and nuts It is considered to be a good addition to the nutrients that are essential to the body. It also helps the body to get rid of fat as well.

2. Drink enough water.
Drinking enough water after eating high fat foods. It will help stimulate the digestive system as well. Because water has a duty to help remove waste from the body. and also the breakdown of nutrients thus allowing the body to digest food better while drinking water is not enough will cause the small intestine to absorb water from food instead As a result, the body goes into a state of dehydration and can lead to constipation.

3. Avoid eating foods that are cold
. eat high fat food It is advisable to avoid eating cold foods such as ice cream or ice to prevent adverse effects on the liver, stomach and intestines as fatty foods tend to be difficult to digest. which is no different from food that is cold Which is also difficult to digest, especially if girls eat ice cream or ice after eating high-fat or heavy meals. may cause flatulence or symptoms of indigestion

4. Take a 30-minute walk.
Take a 30-minute walk after eating a high-fat meal. It will help the digestive system work better. It also helps the stomach work efficiently. Therefore, after eating high fat foods Don’t forget to take a walk for about 30 minutes to relax your body. and to allow the digestive system to function fully as well

5. Plan your next meal well.
Meal planning will help women. Know what to eat next meal When do you want to eat high fat foods? must plan well what kind of food should be the next meal Including planning to eat fruits and vegetables and drink enough water to meet the needs of the body as well In addition, breakfast should never be skipped. because it is considered a meal that gives the body energy It also has a very positive effect on health.

6. Don’t sleep right away.
Always remember that after eating a high fat meal or eating a heavy meal. do not go to bed immediately But should leave a distance of about 3 hours between eating and bedtime because going to bed immediately after eating any type of food will cause digestive problems. resulting in difficult digestion causing flatulence It also increases the accumulation of fat in the body as well.

For girls who do not want to say goodbye to eating high fat foods It is essential to know how to eat high fat foods without losing your health. Especially eating fruits and vegetables and drinking enough water. It is something that should not be overlooked at all. Because this method will help the body get other nutrients. Completely as the body needs Due to the high fat diet Most of them contain only saturated fats and trans fats.