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Healthy foods you should eat – should avoid for “menopausal age”

  • As we get older our metabolism works less. You should choose foods that are easily digested and high in fiber. It will help reduce menopausal symptoms.
  • During menopause, sex hormone levels decrease. cause mood swings Therefore, you should choose to eat foods that increase happiness hormones, such as brown rice, whole grains, various nuts, salmon, eggs, bananas, dark chocolate, tofu, and soy milk.
  • People who are in menopause should avoid eating foods that are high in fat. This is because the hormones estrogen and testosterone decrease. Resulting in fat accumulation There is a risk of cardiovascular disease, including diabetes.
Healthy foods you should eat - should avoid for "menopausal age"

As you enter the age of 40-50 years and above, the body’s production of sex hormones decreases. Both testosterone levels in men and estrogen levels in women Menopause is therefore an age of change that can occur in both genders. Decreasing hormone levels result in symptoms such as hot flashes, sweating at night, difficulty sleeping, and mood swings. Easily forgetful and at risk for high blood fats, diabetes, and osteoporosis. high blood pressure Cardiovascular disease and abdominal obesity

Knowing how to choose nutritious food and eat it appropriately. It will help reduce problems and risk factors affecting menopausal symptoms. Including helping to have good health and being able to live happily in daily life.

Principles of food consumption during menopause

In addition to the problem of menopause As we get older, our metabolism also works less. Therefore, choosing food that is appropriate according to nutritional principles, easy to digest and high in fiber. It will help reduce symptoms of menopause in the initial and long term. It also helps keep the skin healthy, not dry and cracked, and prevents diseases that may be caused by excess weight.

Foods that should be eaten

Mood swings easily accompany menopause. This is because sex hormone levels decrease. Foods that should be eaten regularly are foods that increase happy hormones, such as brown rice, whole grains, nuts, salmon, eggs, bananas, dark chocolate, tofu, and soy milk. Especially products derived from all types of soybeans. Should be eaten regularly. It will help reduce hot flashes. It can also help prevent heart disease and stroke.

In addition, menopause is at risk for osteoporosis. There is a chance that bones will easily break. Therefore, you should eat foods rich in calcium such as low-fat yogurt, low-fat milk, green leafy vegetables and fruits. Most fruits and vegetables contain the element boron (boron), which increases the ability to retain estrogen and helps reduce calcium loss. Especially berry fruits such as blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, as well as apples, grapes, and oranges. Vegetables in the cruciferous family are rich in boron, including broccoli, vegetable branches, cauliflower, and radishes, ufabet, etc.

Choosing to eat more fruits and vegetables also increases vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to the body. Including fiber also helps with excretion. Reduce chronic constipation and helps to feel comfortable Fruits and vegetables are also rich in phytoestrogens. which has characteristics similar to the hormone estrogen Helps relieve menopausal symptoms.

Foods to avoid

Certain foods can increase the symptoms of menopause, such as beverages containing caffeine and alcohol. However, drinking tea Regular coffee also causes the body to absorb less calcium. Risk of osteoporosis

People who are in menopause should avoid eating foods that are high in fat. Spicy or spicy foods, snacks, sweets, and processed foods This is because the hormones estrogen and testosterone decrease. As a result, fat accumulates in the abdomen, making you easily obese, causing the risk of cardiovascular disease, including diabetes.

Divide food into small meals.

In addition to the foods you should eat and avoid, Dividing food into smaller meals By eating a little at a time. It will help increase the efficiency of the metabolism to work better. Resulting in stable blood sugar. The body does not feel tired easily.

However, you should not skip any meals. Especially breakfast is important. Helps the body stay active throughout the day. For dinner, you may reduce the amount of carbohydrates. By adding low-fat and easy-to-digest protein such as chicken breast or fish.

Note:  Sugar should not exceed 6 teaspoons per day.

In addition to the food of people in the menopausal age. Taking care of your body to be healthy and fit for your age also helps to avoid the effects of menopausal symptoms that may interfere with daily life. Including being a risk factor for many types of diseases By doing the following:

  1. Regularly check and maintain your body weight within the normal range.
  2. Eat food from all 5 food groups, diverse and in proper proportions. You can consult a dietitian for more information.
  3. Drink at least 8 glasses of water per day.
  4. Limit caffeinated beverages to no more than 2 drinks per day.
  5. Avoid alcoholic beverages and refrain from smoking.
  6. Exercise regularly for at least 150 minutes/week (3-5 days/week). approximately half an hour at a time) or as recommended by a doctor for those with chronic diseases
  7. Make your mind bright and cheerful, not stressed.
  8. Get enough sleep, about 8 hours a day.
  9. Get fresh air and have regular bowel movements.
  10. Annual health check