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Wash your face with cold water. Solve your doubts. Is it really good or not?

 Everyone says washing your face with cold water is good. Is it really good? If you want to know how good it is to wash your face with cold water, let’s find out.

Wash your face with cold water. Solve your doubts... Is it really good or not?

Entering the winter season, with this kind of cold weather, we believe that many girls must be running from cold water to warm water for sure. Well… the weather is so cold, if we 

wash our face with ice-cold water , it will probably make our face stiff or numb, right? For any girls who are thinking this way, let me tell you that it’s not entirely right. It is true that washing our face with warm water will make our skin feel comfortable, but little do we know that warm water is a major culprit that can easily destroy the moisture in the ทางเข้า ufabet skin. Especially in the winter season like this, it is the cause of girls’ dry skin and flaky skin easily. This is different from cold water (at normal room temperature), even though when washing our face it feels cool and not very comfortable, why does everyone say that it is good and beneficial? For anyone who is curious and wondering.

          In addition to refreshing the face, another notable benefit is that it can help tighten the skin and tighten pores. This is because the cold water temperature will help shrink the pores on the face. However, this can only help temporarily. (Because after washing the face, even though the pores are tightened, if the face is exposed to hot weather during the day, the pores can expand, which depends on various factors and environments.) Therefore, washing the face with cold water cannot help shrink pores forever. Many people often misunderstand this. However, if you wash your face with cold water regularly, the pores will always be tightened.

2. Helps reduce acne

          For ladies who have problems with inflamed acne, pustules or rashes, including those who have red marks after squeezing new acne, cold water will help reduce acne easily and the red marks will disappear quickly as well. Because cold water will help reduce the temperature of the skin, reducing inflammation. However, it also depends on the steps of cleaning the face. If done correctly and cleanly, in addition to acne disappearing quickly, it will also help prevent new acne from occurring.

3. Helps reduce oil on the face.

          Because washing your face with cold water tightens the pores, it results in less oil on the face. Therefore, your face will not be oily during the day. For those with very oily faces, it is recommended to wash your face with cold water every morning and evening. If done regularly, it will help reduce oil on the face gradually.

4. Helps make skin smooth and radiant.

          Using cold water to wash your face will help the blood circulate well on your face. And if the blood circulates well, it will make your face look radiant. It also helps maintain moisture for your skin, preventing it from drying out. Also, when your pores tighten, it will make your skin look smoother than before. It will also help reduce and prevent wrinkles on your face very well.

5. Helps makeup to be smooth and long-lasting.

          After washing your face with cold water, your skin will be firm, smooth, and tight. Therefore, if you wash your face and then put on makeup, it will be much easier to put on makeup, such as applying foundation smoothly, spreading easily, and not smudging. In addition, it will also make makeup last all day.